12 types of food that reduce the risk of heart attack     

We live in dynamic times. Times which prevent us from providing effort to our health. Our heart is the organ which we don’t really focus on yet it’s the most vital one. Read below about types of food which will preserve your heart and improve your overall health.

Here are 12 types of food:
  1. Fish

Fish like salmon or Mackerel decrease the chance of developing heart diseases. They especially decrease the risk of arrhythmia. Best to consume these 2 to 3 times a week if possible.
  1. Blueberries

Blueberries do a decent job of keeping the blood pressure in check as well as dilating blood vessels. A good alternative to blueberries is strawberries.
  1. Chocolate

Chocolate which consists of 60% to 70% cocoa significantly help to normalize the blood pressure. The dark chocolate is also good against blood clotting.
  1. Oatmeal
it's nothing new that oatmeal is very good to consume in order to reduce the risk of heart diseases. For one thing, because they are very rich in fiber, cholesterol is being brought in check. Also, they improve digestion as well.
  1. Extra virgin olive oil

While we are on the subject of normalizing cholesterol. The extra virgin olive oil is definitely worth mentioning. With a couple of spoons a day, the cholesterol levels, as well as sugar in the blood, are normalized.
  1. Red wine

You’ve certainly heard of the famous saying “consuming one glass of wine a day has many many benefits on the overall health”. Well, red wine certainly reduces fat deposits in the blood vessels and helps with detoxification. Bear in mind you shouldn’t overdo it. Consume in moderation.
  1. Green tea

If you consume one cup of “green tea” through the day, you certainly help stop the formation of cholesterol plaques. Another useful benefit of green tea is the fact that it boosts your metabolism and helps reduce weight.
  1. Avocado

Just another fruit which helps you cleanse your body. Because it’s rich in useful fats, it helps to normalize cholesterol.
  1. Cinnamon

Same as no.8 (avocado) the cinnamon is also good against heart diseases. It boosts your metabolism and reduces the likelihood of you developing heart diseases.
  1. Garlic

The garlic, although “smelly” it certainly plays an important role in preserving your overall health. The garlic lowers the blood pressure and ensures no atherosclerotic plaques appear.
  1. Apples

Apples are a great cheap alternative to the above mentioned. They are very rich in fiber and normalize blood circulation as a result. The same goes for pears. You should try and increase the intake of apples and pears when possible
  1. The broccoli                                                                                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 has an abundance of vitamins and minerals. It’s also very rich on antioxidants as well, making it a “must” in the daily diet. They improve the work of the heart and normalize blood pressure as well.

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