How to Increase Your Testosterone Levels by 250%

The 6 Most Important Ways To Increase Testosterone
1. Lose Fat
The fatter you are = The less testosterone you'll have because your body fat contains an enzyme called aromatase that turns your manly testosterone into womanly estrogen making your testosterone levels drop so as you lose weight You'll naturally increase your testosterone by 57% like these guys because…
The less fat you have = the more testosterone you'll have because you won't have as much aromatase going around turning your testosterone into estrogen.
Losing fat is so important for higher testosterone that even testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) where a doctor gives you more testosterone would not work for you while you're fat because you're just making more testosterone available to be converted into estrogen by aromatase.
Use these 2 steps to lose fat & this natural aromatase inhibitorsto increase your testosterone.
2. Get 8 Hours of Sleep
This study shows how You'll have 250% more testosterone when you sleep 8 hours vs. only 4 hours because your body produces the most testosterone when you sleep plus…
  • More sleep makes it easier for you to lose fat to further increase your testosterone.
  • Bonus tip: Sleep in a 66℉ (19℃) room to burn fat faster.

3.Zinc is so important for maintaining high testosterone levels that the guys in this study lost over 70% of their testosterone without enough zinc but…

  • Zinc gave another group of guys in the same study who really weren't that deficient in zinc a 100% boost in testosterone.
  • Zinc is also a natural aromatase inhibitor so it prevents testosterone from being turned into estrogen by making the aromatase enzyme not work.
  • Zinc is such a powerful testosterone booster that these infertile men got their wives pregnant within 3 months of getting enough zinc.
Get 20-to-40mg of Zinc per day or more depending on how much you lose sweating from a Zinc Supplement and/or eat foods high in Zinc like oysters (a natural aphrodisiac), liver, seafood, poultry, nuts & seeds.
4. Be More Active
Exercise or being more active is shown to give you 54% more testosterone than a lazy person but to gain as much testosterone as you possibly can from exercising…
  • It's proven that HIIT or intervals boost your testosterone way more than cardio. HIIT is also better at burning fat leading to more testosterone. 10 Rules to Lose 10 lbs. Every 3 Weeks Doing Interval Workouts
  • Lifting weights gives you the biggest long term boost of testosterone but you need to do compound exercises like Bench press, Rows & Squats for at least 3 sets of 5-to-15 reps.
  • Too much exercise can lower your testosterone but you'd have to do an insane amount of exercise like these guys who ran 125 miles a week so don't worry about false claims saying 'cardio lowers your testosterone' UNLESS you're doing a marathon like levels of exercise.
5. Vitamin D
Without enough Vitamin D your testosterone decreases and as seen here your testosterone increases by 26% when you get 3000-5000IU of Vitamin D from foods high in Vitamin D, more sun exposure and/or a Vitamin D3 supplement
Warning: Don't get your vitamin D from inorganic dairy products (especially milk) full of xenoestrogens which lower your testosterone.
6. Stress Less
When you get stressed out your body releases a "stress" hormone called cortisol that shuts down testosterone production.
  • Cortisol also makes you gain belly fat and the fatter you are = you'll have more estrogen and less testosterone.
  • More sleep, exercise, improving your posture, supplementing with Ashwagandha, Vitamin C & Rhodiola Rosea along with these 100 ways to lower stress are all things you can do to lower stress.

The High Testosterone Diet

  • Make fat at least 30-to-60% of your diet because the chart from this study shows the more fat you have in your diet and as long as you mainly eat saturated & monounsaturated fats = the higher your testosterone will be.
  • You can actually go on a keto diet making fat 75% of your diet as seen here in this study to increase testosterone but since you probably can't realistically maintain a diet like that…
  • Make the other 40-to-70% of your diet carbs & protein but make sure you eat at least twice as many carbs than protein because you're testosterone will be at least 26% higher when eating more carbs than protein plus this same chart shows as you eat more protein your testosterone levels drop.
  • If you're overweight with more than 25% bodyfat The best high testosterone diet for you is this weight loss diet instead of focusing on fats, carbs & protein because study after study tells you the less fat you have = the more testosterone you'll have
  • If your goal is to gain muscle then make fat at least 15% of your diet to prevent any severe drops in testosterone to allow you to get enough protein & carbs to build muscle. Carbs, proteins & fats needed to gain muscle
  • The Best Testosterone Supplements

    best testosterone supplements
    Fat Burners
    Fat burners or anything that contains Caffeine and/or Green Tealike Lipo-6 or Hydroxycut will be Your Best Testosterone Booster depending on how overweight you are because less fat means more testosterone.
    Zinc & Vitamin D
    Zinc & Vitamin D are 2 of the 6 most important things you need for higher testosterone and without enough of either of them, your testosterone levels will fall.
    • You need 20-to-40mg of zinc and 3000-to-5000IU of Vitamin D daily to maintain higher testosterone levels
    • Zinc Orotate & Vitamin D3 are the best kinds to supplement with and/or eat foods high in Zinc, foods high in Vitamin Dor get some sun exposure
    Natural Aromatase Inhibitors
    Below is a list of Natural Aromatase Inhibitor supplements that prevent the aromatase enzyme from turning your testosterone into estrogen leaving you with higher amounts of testosterone…
    • Green Tea - Also helps you lose fat
    • Resveratrol
    • Grapeseed Extract
    • Indole-3-carbinol
    • Selenium
    • White Button Mushroom Extract
    • Anti-Aromatase Foods
    Tip: Instead of buying supplements to inhibit aromatase you can simply lose fat because that's where most of the 'testosterone lowering' aromatase enzymes are made so as you lose more fat you'll have less aromatase and more testosterone.
    Supplements to Reduce Estrogen
    More estrogen in your body means less testosterone, man boobs, weight gain, erectile dysfunction & etc. but the supplements listed below flush out excess estrogen to increase your testosterone…
    • B Vitamins
    • SAM-e
    • Milk Thistle
    • Betaine
    • Choline
    • Quercetin
    • Indole-3-carbinol
    • 3 Ways Men Can Lower Estrogen
    Sleep Aids
    The supplements below help you get the 8 hours of sleep you need for 250% more testosterone…
    • Melatonin
    • Lavender
    • 16 Ways to Sleep Better
    Stress Reducers
    Less stress also means more testosterone because of less cortisol and the list of supplements below help manage stress…
    • Ashwagandha
    • Vitamin C
    • Rhodiola Rosea
    • 100 Ways to Reduce Stress
    Testosterone supplements that might work
    • Boron: It's not enough proof to recommend Boron as a testosterone booster because you got one study saying it works, another study saying it does nothing and even one study saying it increases estrogen.
    • D-aspartic acid has been shown to increase testosterone by 42%, not increase it & even decrease testosterone by 15%
    • Fenugreek: Only 1 study shows Fenugreek increasing testosterone while other studies show no change in testosterone but this study shows it can help you lose fat which helps increase your testosterone.
    • Shilajit: This study says 200mg of Shilajit increases testosterone by 23% in infertile men which don't mean it won't work for other men but no other study confirms this.
    • Ginger: Just 1 study shows ginger boosting your testosterone by 17.7% but the problem is the study never mentions exactly how much ginger you need for this boost.
    Testosterone supplements that do not work
    The supplements listed below may increase your libido tricking you into believing they increased your testosterone but in reality, none of the supplements listed below have any proof to back them up as a true testosterone booster…
    • Velvet Antler
    • Tribulus Terrestris
    • Chrysin
    • Horny Goat Weed
    • Stinging Nettle
    • Maca
    • Saw Palmetto
    4 Things that Lower Testosterone
    dairy lowers testosterone
    1. Milk
    This study confirms 70% of the estrogens you probably eat come from dairy products.
    Men is this study saw their testosterone levels decrease after drinking just 2½ cups of milk. According to this story how Mongolian kids (who truly consume organically raised dairy products) saw their estrogen levels go up quickly after only 1 month of consuming genetically modified American milk.
    2. Losing Too Much Fat
    Losing so much fat to where your body fat percentage is lower than 5-to-8% can dramatically reduce your testosterone levels by almost 75% like these natural bodybuilders (who were already at a healthy 15% body fat) when they went down to 4.5% body fat.
    3. Licorice
    These men lost 34% of their testosterone taking 7g of licorice tablets daily and it took them 4 days of not taking licorice to regain their original testosterone level.
    4. Certain Drugs
    • Statins & Beta blockers
    • Corticosteroids
    • Opiate-based painkillers
    • Tagamet & Cimetidine
    • Finasteride & Dutasteride
    • Ketoconazole
    • Sylfonylurea
    • Spironolactone
    TL;DR Summary to Increase Testosterone
    6 Important Ways to Increase Testosterone
    1. Lose Fat but not so much that you go below 5-to-8% bodyfat.
    2. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.
    3. Get 20-to-40mg of Zinc &…
    4. 3000-to-5000IU of Vitamin D daily. 
    5. You get the biggest increases in testosterone from exercising when lifting weights. 
    6. Try to stress less. 
    High Testosterone Diet Tips
    • Make at least 30% of your diet monounsaturated and saturated fats.
    • Eat twice as many carbs as protein. 
    Testosterone Boosting Tricks
    • Have more sex, watch porn, don't cum for 7 days at a time, get more sun exposure, win more, do more power posing, touch a gun & drink more pomegranate juice to instantly boost your testosterone. 
    Best Testosterone Supplements
    • Fat burners are the best testosterone supplements if you're overweight. 
    • Supplements that lower estrogen, reduce stress & sleep aids are the only testosterone supplements that actually boost your testosterone. 
    Things That Lower Testosterone


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