
Showing posts from January, 2019
How to Increase Your Testosterone Levels by 250% The 6 Most Important Ways To Increase Testosterone 1. Lose Fat The fatter you are = The less testosterone you'll have  because your body fat contains an enzyme called aromatase that turns your manly testosterone into womanly estrogen making your testosterone levels drop so as you lose weight  You'll naturally increase your testosterone by 57%  like these guys because… The less fat you have = the more testosterone you'll have because you won't have as much aromatase going around turning your testosterone into estrogen. Losing fat is so important for higher testosterone  that even testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) where a doctor gives you more testosterone would not work for you while you're fat because you're just making more testosterone available to be converted into estrogen by aromatase. Use these 2 steps to lose fat & this natural aromatase inhibitorsto increase your te
   12 types of food that reduce the risk of heart attack      We live in dynamic times. Times which prevent us from providing effort to our health. Our heart is the organ which we don’t really focus on yet it’s the most vital one. Read below about types of food which will preserve your heart and improve your overall health. Here are 12 types of food: Fish Fish like salmon or Mackerel decrease the chance of developing heart diseases. They especially decrease the risk of arrhythmia. Best to consume these 2 to 3 times a week if possible. Blueberries Blueberries do a decent job of keeping the blood pressure in check as well as dilating blood vessels. A good alternative to blueberries is strawberries. Chocolate Chocolate which consists of 60% to 70% cocoa significantly help to normalize the blood pressure. The dark chocolate is also good against blood clotting. Oatmeal I it's nothing new that oatmeal is very good to consume in order to redu
Burn 1,000 Calories In 20 Minutes It’s hard at times to fit the gym in so here’s a 1,000 calorie burn you can fit in any schedule from anywhere. We have two options when it comes to cardio. We just need to know which one fits our lifestyle better in order to reach our goals. Steady State (SS) – This is a lower-intensity exercise that you can do continuously for a longer period of time keeping the same pace hence the name “steady-state cardio”. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)  – To shed pounds fast, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is awesome. By combining Fast-paced bursts movements along with short rest intervals you will cut your workout time down and get the fat loss results your looking for. HIIT burns more calories than steady-state, low-intensity cardio per session and places greater recovery demands on your body.  Invest 20 minutes at a 100% effort level and deliver a 1,000 calorie fat burning HIIT workout you can use anyplace