
Showing posts from 2020
             Arnold Schwarzenegger’s No-Gym Workout Arnold Schwarzenegger Shared His No-Gym Workout Routine Just In Time For Lockdown With the government announcing a statewide lockdown of non-essential services, it looks like you are gonna be without a gym for an indefinite period of time. With that in mind, it’s about time that you get a quarantine ready work-out routine to keep your mind and body healthy. Lucky for you, Arnold Schwarzenegger has written up his old school no-gym workout to keep you fit without even leaving the house. “There are a lot of things we can’t control during this crisis, so we need to focus on what we can control,” the seven-time Mr Olympia wrote on his  Instagram . “I wrote up my old no-gym required workout for all of you, as promised, because we can control our fitness”. The comprehensive workout is can be done with pretty much anything you find around the house. To prove it, Arnie shared a couple of choice photos of him in his prime.

fitness tips

  6 tips for Beginners Fitness    Having a fit body (however defined) requires a lot of time, dedication and commitment but the process starts with small steps. As someone who’s a few months into my fitness journey, taking beginners steps has been the key to my success. Set an attainable goal. –  Don’t plan on running a 5k the first week if you’ve never ran a race before.  Working towards a goal will motivate you throughout the workout. Create a workout schedule.  – Mix it up throughout the week with different workouts! Seeing a schedule on a calendar reduces the chance of skipping out on a workout. Workout with a buddy. –  It can be hard to find the energy to go to the gym after a long work day. Working out with a buddy can help you stay on track for the workout. Set your own pace. –  There’s always that one person running like a gazelle at top speed on the treadmill.  There’s no need to be that person, go at a pace that works for you. Trac
       MEAL PREP FOR BEGINNERS The best thing about starting a healthy lifestyle is discovering healthy food!  Learning how to meal prep and how it helps fuel your body reach its peak performance, is exhilarating.  It’s almost like a light bulb goes off once the realization that food is fuel for the body, kicks in.  We’ve all seen the pictures of the experts setting out a 7 day meal plan, but those pictures show a progress shown over time. Getting to a level of expertise in meal prepping takes time, but the best place to start is the beginning. Just like exercising, small baby steps can be taken to ease into meal prep.  Trying to wipe up a 7 day meal plan can get overwhelming fast and cause discouragement, which isn’t the goal.  The best suggestions are to start with small changes and build up over time. 5 best ways to start with meal prep Cut out sugar and processed foods – Depending on your eating habits, cutting out one sugary drink a day with water can be a great star
The 6 Best Abs Exercises for Fast Results And A Workout You Can Do From The Comfort Of Your Own Home This is a quick ab workout that totally toasts your core! Focus on the correct form above all else. Rest if you need to if fatigued muscles begin to compromise your form, but then get right back into it. This incorporates mostly bodyweight moves, so it’s the perfect workout to do at home, on holiday, or anywhere where you don’t have access to gym equipment. Who doesn’t love to throw a little more ab work on to their daily routine? Whether you are buying into society’s somewhat misplaced obsession with six-pack abs or you are just trying to get your core stronger, to protect your back, improve trunk stability, and move to more advanced exercises. This quick core routine will hit your abdominals, lower back, obliques as well as a whole host of smaller muscles that you probably won’t recognize. This routine does not have a warm-up or cool-down included with it so it can