LOW CARB 1200 CALORIE DIET PLAN: 7-DAY MEAL PLAN FOR SERIOUS RESULTS The Low Carb 1200 Calorie Diet Plan is a low-calorie, low-carb quick weight loss program that can help you reach your weight loss goals. On the plan, you’ll eat 1,200 calories per day and under 25 grams of carbs each meal. You need at least 1,200 calories per day for your body’s metabolic needs, so make sure you’re not dipping below that amount. On the low carb 1200 calorie diet, you typically eat three meals per day and have one mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack. Each meal should come in around 350 calories, with two snacks totaling 150 calories. Or you can split the calories up according to your needs. For example, you could have a 300-calorie breakfast, 350-calorie lunch, and a 400-calorie dinner. When it comes to low carb meal planning, your goal is to remove unhealthy carbs like pizza, white bread and refined sugars, and up your good carbs that come from foods like vegetables and fruits. Choose food...